David King

I am a psychologist and lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia, with a PhD in Health Psychology (UBC, 2013). I have been a writer since I was young, and have authored multiple publications in peer-reviewed academic journals in addition to two textbooks. What inspired this blog? To put it simply, I am concerned - about the state of the world, and the future of humanity. This is my attempt to contribute to the personal and public discourse on our human nature and current state. I hope I can apply my training and education in psychology to help elucidate some of our greatest challenges. I am also a big animal lover, and so my concerns extend beyond the well-being of our own species to those with whom we share this planet.

A Rebuttal to Hate

If this world has taught me anything, it’s that things don’t always unfold the way we expect. And hate doesn’t just go away, even when we think it’s been beat and buried. The year I was born was the same year that the AIDS epidemic began, a health crisis for which there was little immediate …

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Warriors in the Storm

Fate whispers to the warrior, “You can not withstand the storm.”The warrior whispers back, “I am the storm.” —Jake Remington To call life the storm would be tempting but not quite right. It is the world that is the storm; the thing we struggle to navigate; the situations and environments that try us, and break …

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